Monday, November 11, 2013


New media today is used all over the place.  Everyone in college is on Facebook and other social media sites on their breaks and off time.  If Baruch hired me to improve new media, I would definitely raise awareness of club activities.  I feel that paper advertising and fliers are not so effective.  I would definitely try to sync up with Baruch's database and email people about big campus events, especially with clubs.  I would love to sync up Facebook and other social media sites to advertise big events and have clubs participate in various activities.  I would also improve awareness of recycling and garbage disposal.  People seem to not get the message that they need to recycle to save the plates.  By having social media, we could improve this by making video campaigns to raise awareness.  The use of social media could also make people more active on campus.  I would like to incorporate a new blackboard system where it is user friendly for all professors and students.  Many professors don't use blackboard because it is so complex, so if we made a more user friendly one, more people would use it.  I would make more online classes available to students.  As you can see, there are only a limited amount of online courses and I feel that there should be many more.  People need to know about new media, so taking online courses could help them learn. 

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