Monday, October 7, 2013

Social Net'g

Social media today has affected society in many different ways. One very important way is the fact that social networks are now being used for job recruitment. Before social media existed, people were always putting out hiring ads on newspapers, asked employees to refer qualified friends, or just simply go to career fairs. With social media, human resources departments easily access potential candidates on sites such as Facebook or Linkedin. In the article "Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting", people share their insights of how social media has enhanced their experience searching for people that could possibly work for their company. "Using Linkedin, Steckerl says he can scout a group of job candidates in just half an hour." Browsing a professional social network can easily lead you to potential candidates for opening in your firm. "I ended up looking for consumer product marketing," Crawford-Hentz says. "And I hit upon his profile, and I sent him this e-mail saying: 'Hi, Alfred, I found your profile on line. And we have a position that I think may be of interest to you.'" Its as simple as uploading your resume online for recruiters to look at when they have free time. Social media has definitely enhanced the experience in job hunting and recruiting.

Although social media is helpful in many different aspects in today's world, there are some dark sides to social media. Personal information is always asked when creating an account to their social media sites. When you make a Linkedin account or Facebook account, you must provide basic information about yourself such as name, birthday, education, etc. Although many people make this information accessible by friends and family, others that may not have access want in as well. In the article, "BBB: New Wave of Phishing Scam Uses Facebook Info for Personalized Scams", people use personal info and act as your friends to try and hack your computer. "You receive an email that appears to be sent by a friend or family member. The message addresses you by name, but the content is strange. Usually, it's just a link to a website. If you click on it, you could end up downloading malware to your computer." So the scam is setup to appear like your friend is sending you things when in reality they are trying to hack your computer via virus.  Social media may seem like its all good and new innovative technology to benefit us, but with benefits there are always people abusing it.  In my opinion, I think the social media will evolve even more.  Right now job recruiting seems easier, but in the future maybe people will conduct business over social networks.  In the future, social media might enhance their security systems so people don't send those virus links and have a way to recognize it on the spot.  Security is a big issue today and I hope in the future they clean it up.

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