Monday, September 30, 2013

Blogs vs. Wikis

In society today, people love to use the internet for various things. Whether it is to communicate with friends, look things up on the internet, or to voice opinions, people love to roam and surf the web. In new media today, people voice their opinions on blogs. Blogs are designed for people to journal about their lives, talk about specific topics, or just to voice an opinion about things going on in society. Blogs are designed so that the writer of the blog has the power to edit their post and to publish it so that the public can comment about their post. This happens especially for people who have famous blogs that stir up controversy. For example, in the article "Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead to Drug Raid", people voice their opinions on a current drug situation that was taking place in their neighborhood. One of the people living in the neighborhood wrote on the blog “Fighting and drug deals going down in the driveway of this house,”, which led others to reply voicing their opinions and point of views. This later led on to people taking actions because now they have a sufficient amount of people that have the mutual feelings about this topic. "But peering turned to blogging, and blogging turned to action, as neighbors started filing complaints with the 68th Precinct station house and attending Community Board 10 meetings and generally making noise until a narcotics investigation began, leading to the arrests." This shows that a blog can be a very powerful tool in uniting people together to fight a cause. In society today, many people that have strong opinion on hot topics create blogs to get their feelings out and to receive either praise or criticism via the internet. Blogs are quite popular in the 21st century and people usually use blogs to voice opinions. Blogs are a great source of networking today because people can interact with others on the internet and maybe stumble into a job just from someone seeing a blog.

Wikis on the other hand is a tool that aid people trying to put out information. People that work on group projects usually takes a lot of time to communicate amongst their group members sharing and swapping information. But with Wikis, it makes everything much more accessible. In the article "How to use Wikis in Business", the author explains how convenient wikis can be in group work. It is said that "wikis are essentially Web pages that anyone — or at least anyone with permission — can create or edit." This is convenient to use in the business world because many people can just simply add their parts to the web page when they finish their work. Wikis are similar to blogs because they are both located on the internet and they are both ways to share information on the web. Although wikis may be more informative rather than opinionated, they are still very useful for people to obtain information about a company or person. Wikis can become a tool to network with people based on who edits a page. For example, if you put up an informational page about Apple and other people edit and comment on your page, you are technically networking with them over the web. A new use for wikis could be to use them to reconnect old classmates. For example, a person from your high school makes a wiki page for class of 2011 and other people discover this page. People would want to reconnect with others and then they post information of where they reside now, some general info of what they want people to know and etc. Wikis can be used as blogs, but people can edit them so they can get things out there faster.

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